70372 Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt * International

Ort: Haus der Familie, Elwertstr. 4, 70372 Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt

Pregnant women, breastfeeding, pumping / expressing, combo feeding mothers and chestfeeding parents with their babies and toddlers, and visitors interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend our LLL group meetings and can join anytime.
At LLL meetings, we offer mother-to-mother support by sharing our knowledge about and experiences with breastfeeding and related parenting topics.

For a wealth of breastfeeding information or LLL in your country of origin please go to: www.llli.org or www.llli.org/get-help/

Please confirm the place and date of the meeting by contacting your local Leader before your first attendance.

DateTimeTopicRegistration link
Saturday, November 16th 202410:00 – 12:00 UhrToo Busy to Breastfeed?!/
Keine Zeit zum Stillen?!
click here
Saturday, December 21st 202410:00 – 12:00 Uhr„Away in a Manger“?!
„… und in einer Krippe liegend“?!
click here
Natasha Cvetanovska-Todosovskanatasha.cvetanovska-todosovska@lalecheliga.de0178-1083373
Andrea Seelbachandrea.seelbach@lalecheliga.de